Tag: ShotSpotter®


Using Gunshot Detection: Where was ShotSpotter when I was a “Street Agent”?

Image of ShotSpotter map with overlay showing response radius.
Using Gunshot Detection: Where was ShotSpotter when I was a “Street Agent”?
Law enforcement has always been about using the training, tools, and experience you have on hand to keep...
a close up of a street sign on the ground
Is ShotSpotter Effective? Separating Facts from Fiction
In recent years, ShotSpotter—an acoustic gunshot detection system—has been the center of intense debate....
How to Use ShotSpotter Data with CaseBuilder Gun Crime Investigations
Reported violent crime may be down nationwide since the pandemic, but gun crime investigations are more...

About ShotSpotter, Inc.

ShotSpotter is a leader in precision policing solutions that enable law enforcement to more effectively respond to, investigate and deter crime.

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