Technology to Empower Violence Prevention Stategies
A critical component of your holistic crime prevention strategy to maximize public safety impact
Amid a national police staffing shortage and heightened community demand for community violence intervention (CVI) services, the role of CVI Workers is increasingly crucial. However, the ability to make data-informed resource allocation decisions has been traditionally constrained, with the essential crime data being confined within law enforcement agencies. The limited crime data access constrains CVI and other social service initiatives addressing violence’s root causes, hindering their ability to demonstrate effectiveness and accountability to citizens, officials, and city managers.
ResourceRouter Community, tightly integrated with ShotSpotter, the leading gunshot detection solution, will support social service and community violence intervention (CVI) organizations in their efforts to optimize their resource deployments, reduce violent crime, improve public safety and increase community trust. ResourceRouter Community is an advanced software application that utilizes a data-driven approach to identify “hot spots” where crime and violence are prevalent, allowing CVIs to more efficiently determine where they are needed most.
ResourceRouter Community is a software tool that uses a data-driven approach to help CVI and other social service programs optimize their presence in an area, deter crime, and improve public safety. CVI and community outreach workers no longer need to resort to reactive, gut-based interventions —ResourceRouter Community provides place-based insights and suggested engagement activities that enables critical stakeholders to maximize their impact.
Just as importantly, this resource management software gives program managers and other administrators the ability to detect a workers’ presence in an assigned area and capture the amount of time they spend on a specific incident as well as what intervention or activity they plan to conduct. This provides a layer of accountability and oversight that is critically important for building trust within communities, and with policy makers and funders. ResourceRouter Community also provides detailed analytics that are critical to measuring impacts on crime, violence, and the delivery of resources that address root causes of violence.
With this technology, there’s greater accountability on our part because we can see where workers are and how long they’ve been there. We want to make a positive impact, and this allows our workers to get credit for the work they do.
Learn more about how ResourceRouter Community provides both CVI and social service programs the data-driven insights needed to deter violence, increase accountability, and build community trust.
Pre-Engagement Briefings
Suggested Activities
Document Observations
Ad Hoc Areas
Engagement Activity Report
User Activity Report
CVI and social service staff are directed to focus on areas in need. They receive information on crime risks and recent crime events, allowing them to design effective interventions and allocate staff resources to address the root causes of violence in specific areas.
Informed by the pre-engagement briefing, CVI staff can select interventions that directly address specific issues in the area.
ResourceRouter Community enables CVI and other social services programs to promptly document field observations, identifying areas in need of assistance from social, economic, health, public safety, education, and employment partners.
CVI managers and other social service supervisors can designate specific services by creating ad hoc engagement areas within their jurisdiction. This strategy enables CVI and Social Service agencies to swiftly support communities and mitigate potential real-time conflicts.
CVI and social service worker activity in an engagement area is captured so that supervisors and managers can track and measure intervention efforts.
The User Activity Report provides CVI and social service supervisors with staff outreach information to help facilitate effective management and evaluation of activities by type, location, and time spent in engagement and ad hoc areas.
Contact Us
Request a demo of ResourceRouter Community for your CVI and other social service programs.