Sound Thinking
Law Enforcement

Tag: Patrol Management


Leveraging AI for Smarter Policing

Image of the patrol screen with ResourceRouter functionality by SoundThinking.
Leveraging AI for Smarter Policing
Modern police patrol in the United States is crucial to maintaining public order, deterring crime, allowing...
a man in a police uniform standing in the street
Police Patrol Strategies: 4 Tips for Improving Outcomes
Tight budgets, recruitment challenges and community accountability have made patrol management increasingly...
CaseBuilder Screenshot
Best Public Safety Software Company
Each agency is different and unique in the communities they serve, yet each agency wants the best public...
Image of the patrol screen with ResourceRouter functionality by SoundThinking.
Predictive Policing Alternatives
Predictive policing software uses data analytics and machine learning to forecast where and when crimes...
How a Directed Patrol Solution Can Improve Officer Safety
If police work was a safe and easy job, everyone would want to do it. Unfortunately, it is neither, which...
a screenshot of a map of a city
Does My Agency Need Police Patrol Software?
How can PDs create a bigger and better impact with fewer resources and more outside pressure? By deploying...
a police car driving down a street next to a tall building
Directed Patrol vs. Hotspot Analysis
This is largely due to the increase in using data to identify problems and direct preventative efforts....
a woman wearing glasses is looking at a computer screen
Problem-Oriented Policing: The Future of Patrol
And high-visibility police patrols are a proven crime deterrent. But tight budgets and staffing challenges...
a man standing in front of a wall of pictures
SoundThinking™ Goes Beyond Gunshot Detection
It’s a difficult environment with more retirements and resignations negatively impacting cities and leading...
a group of uniformed men standing next to each other
How to Navigate Police Staffing Shortages
A June 2021 survey, by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), of about 200 police departments reflected...

About ShotSpotter, Inc.

ShotSpotter is a leader in precision policing solutions that enable law enforcement to more effectively respond to, investigate and deter crime.

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