Sound Thinking
Law Enforcement

Tag: Funding


Funding Strategies for Public Safety Projects

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Funding Strategies for Public Safety Projects
The first and most crucial step in seeking grant funding is to have a clear and detailed plan for the...
Image of a map with an overlay of spots where ShotSpotter detected gunfire.
Optimal Gunshot Tracking for Understaffed Law Enforcement
Many law enforcement agencies are operating with a staffing deficit. Using technology, like gunshot tracking,...
Grants for Public Safety: A Comprehensive Guide
You’re looking to add leading-edge, proven technologies as part of your comprehensive public safety strategy,...
How to Garner Grant Funding for Violence Prevention Efforts
The process surrounding grant funding, especially federal funding, can seem daunting and difficult. The...
a man in a police uniform standing in the street
Improving Investigation Clearance Rates with Federal Funding
Naturally, improving clearance rates is a top priority for every law enforcement agency. Not only does...
a close up of an american flag
How to Maximize Agency Resources with Federal Funding
In a recent PERF survey, 48% of police agencies reported budget and staffing shortages. Resource constraints...
a man holding the hand of a young boy
The American Rescue Act Can Help Fund Important Technology
As the U.S. recovers from COVID-19, gun crime is surging to historically high levels. Recognizing the...

About ShotSpotter, Inc.

ShotSpotter is a leader in precision policing solutions that enable law enforcement to more effectively respond to, investigate and deter crime.

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