Tag: Investigative Solutions


How Police Officers Can Help the Opioid Epidemic

a person kneeling down next to a table
How Police Officers Can Help the Opioid Epidemic
As the opioid crisis worsens law enforcement is increasingly called upon to intervene.
a magnifying glass sitting on top of a sheet of fingerprints
How Better Forensic Standards Improve Investigations
While forensic practices have come a long way, work must be done to improve standards in order for law...
two police officers standing next to each other
Why Police Should Wear Body Cameras
As a critical source of record, body cameras can help connect the dots in the course of an investigation....
a person in blue gloves holding a magnifying glass
Solving Crimes With a Case Management Solution
Tattoos, birthmarks, height, weight, motor vehicle information … all of these seemingly minor details...
a man wearing a headset and using a computer
3 Essential Elements for a Tips and Leads Hotline
How do you lock down the management of a law enforcement tips and leads hotline? There are three big...
a woman wearing a headset sitting in front of a computer
Law Enforcement Leads Scoring Best Practices
Want to handle a surplus in leads but not sure how? Check out our law enforcement lead scoring tips to...
a fingerprint on a black background with a blue light
How to Prepare CSI Units for Forensic Accreditation
The future of forensic standards for law enforcement is still in question, but getting prepared for potential...
a man in a business suit pressing a button on a touch screen
6 Questions to Ask Before Choosing Case Management Software
These features and benefits are all non-negotiable when it comes to selecting case management software...
a person holding a magnifying glass over a piece of paper
How to Identify the Players Before the Crime Happens
Investigations revealing indicators missed prior to a crime are all too common. Learn how the right software...
a boston police officer walking down a street
Law Enforcement Social Media Investigations
Police departments around the world have realized the power of conducting social media investigations—but...
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About ShotSpotter, Inc.

ShotSpotter is a leader in precision policing solutions that enable law enforcement to more effectively respond to, investigate and deter crime.

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