Metro: ‘ShotSpotter’ is a sound tool for fighting crime in Las Vegas

March 20, 2024

KTNV took a closer look at the use of ShotSpotter in Las Vegas. Deployed in the city since 2017, the system has since been expanded to cover nearly 25 square miles. According to police, a primary benefit of the system is improved response times to shooting incidents. “It makes it easier to go out and police and have an impact on violent crime,” Lt. Bill Steinmetz said. “It helps us locate victims, suspects, crime scenes, witnesses and all the things that help a police agency combat crime.” A pair of local residents were also interviewed, expressing their support for the system and pointing to its impact in a nearby shooting. “These criminals act out carelessly,” explained a resident. “This area isn’t safe. The intrusive part [isn’t ShotSpotter] it’s these criminals out here committing crimes.
