What are the key components available in CaseBuilder?
The system centers around 5 key components:
- Incidents – provides for field-based reporting of events, field intelligence, tips, complaints and management of people, places and things associated with those incidents.
- Investigations – includes all the functionality and workflow to follow-up on crime related incidents with in-depth investigations. This is inclusive of management and oversight of assignments, tasks and case progression utilizing scheduled reports, analytics, and interactive dashboards.
- Intelligence – allows agencies to collect and disseminate intelligence, monitor criminal enterprises and groups such as narcotics rings, domestic terror groups, crime gangs, and manage confidential informants − all in conformance with national standards.
- Interactions – provides integrated Citizens Portal web pages that work with an agency’s existing website to keep the community better informed and allow citizens to submit complaints, tips, and leads.
- Integrity – provides comprehensive features to manage use-of-force incidents, officer involved shootings, professional standards, and internal investigations in a single, secured platform.
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