How do ShotSpotter and PlateRanger compare to Flock Safety’s LPR and gunshot detection solution?
Rekor is a leader in developing and implementing state-of-the-art roadway intelligence technology, with IPVM, a leading independent authority on physical security technology, recognizing this status.
ShotSpotter is recognized as a leader in the gunshot detection category. Pioneered over 25 years ago using a propriety AI algorithm, ShotSpotter is successfully deployed in more than 170 cities. ShotSpotter ensures accuracy and provides independently reviewed alerts. It includes video of the location and incident and is admissible in court as part of case evidence. ShotSpotter ultimately helps police officers save lives and collect critical evidence for investigations.
By integrating PlateRanger and ShotSpotter, we deliver industry-leading technologies designed to empower law enforcement with rapid and precise gunshot detection, seamlessly paired with automated and intelligent LPR integrations to jumpstart investigations.
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