If I already have a Records Management System (RMS) why do I need CaseBuilder?

When it comes to case management, RMS systems don’t measure up to what an effective detective squad needs to efficiently handle complex, confidential investigations in an organized and automated manner.  Industry feedback and analysis indicates that case management is an inadequate feature in legacy solutions.  CaseBuilder delivers a comprehensive solution, that can be coupled with your RMS, to better manage the most complex and often most violent criminal offenses for your agency.

Most agencies are not aware of the significant advancements in case management tools available today. CaseBuilder is designed as a fully automated solution, and the platform’s collaboration, analytics and reporting tools help detectives move investigations forward.

Furthermore, with CaseBuilder, no third-party systems are needed. A prosecutor can grab a case from within the platform. Additionally, permissions can be configured for external users, such as an outside agency you may be collaborating with on a certain case.

With built-in capabilities including case chronology, link analysis, tip corroboration and more, CaseBuilder streamlines the investigator’s workflow to provide the most efficient and effective process for solving a case.

RMS systems are often intended for crime reporting and initial data collection.  RMS systems most often do not support the complete investigative processes and workflows that are very time intensive and require substantial data and information collection.

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